Saturday, July 25, 2009

Laser treatment for toenail fungus

This is an interesting one to blog about, but has everything to do with innovation and bringing products to the market. The laser treatment for toenail fungus (onychomycosis) is a recent innovation. The clinical trials by the company, PinPointe, are underway and no results are yet available. However, many clinics are beginning to widely use and tout this treatment. All the evidence for it is the testimonials and unsubstantiated claims. There are many clips on You Tube about it. Its not cheap and costs a lot of money. My interest in this was piqued when this marketing of a product before the evidence comes in as to its efficacy is lacking. This is a pattern that has been repeated many times in the history of the profession. More often than not, the use of the product dies off as the evidence come in. Don’t we ever learn by our mistakes?

(See this on Podiatry Arena: Nail fungus laser treatment; Laser treatment for nail fungus)

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