Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Podiatry site claims of good search engine rankings

Two things caught my eye today.

First there was this blog post from
"the Internet’s leading online directory of podiatrists is now ranked on page one organically on the worlds leading search engine Google as well as;, and under the key search queries ”Find a Podiatrist”, “Podiatrist”, Podiatrists” and “Find a Foot Doctor”. Elysium Internet CEO Scott Gallagher commented, ” We’re pleased to deliver our members page one access to search engines that cover 97.3% of all online searches in the US "

and then there was this newsletter from Podiatry Exchange:
"pleased to announce to its readers and vendors that the Exchange is listed as #1 on GOOGLE key word search PODIATRY CLASSIFIEDS. PODIATRY EXCHANGE ranking on GOOGLE key word search under PODIATRYPODIATRY CLASSIFEDS) #1 out of 50,300 listed in that category(PODIATRY CODES) #3 out of 157,000 Listed in that category"

So I did a bit of looking around. According to Overture and Wordtracker (who measure what terms users put into search engines when searching for stuff), no one actually uses the terms "Find a Podiatrist", "Podiatry Classifieds", or "Podiatry Codes". However, from what I understand, a few people will probably use these terms, but it so few that it does not register at Overture or Wordtracker.

The claims made by these two sites are right - they do rank well for these terms, but what is the point in ranking well for them if no one actually searches using the terms! Are they making the claims to impress potential advertisers? Hope none of them fall for it.

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