Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Burnout High Among Podiatrists, but Not Inevitable

Burnout High Among Podiatrists, but Not Inevitable
From Podiatry Online:
"Burnout among podiatrists doesn't have to be inevitable. Many podiatrists view it as a job hazard, something that they believe goes along with the stress of dealing with people and their problems day in and day out, but that's not so.

Research about burnout and occupational stress relating to podiatry is lacking, although a study published earlier this year does shed some light on these important issues. The study compared levels of burnout between new podiatrists in the United Kingdom and Australia. Geographical differences may limit the study's applications, but podiatrists everywhere can relate to the overall findings.

The study by the Clinical Research Centre, University of Brighton, Eastbourne, England, found that podiatrists in both Australian and the United Kingdom had significantly higher levels of burnout than published normative data
. "

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